2021 has been A LOT already, so rather than a single word-of-the-year, I'm choosing a whole sentence!
*Any links to supplies found on Amazon are affiliate links. Should you decide to bring home an art tool I’m talking about and purchase it through the links found here, a few pennies of that purchase are distributed to me. It isn’t much, but it (slowly) adds up—it’s a lovely way to support the content that I create, and it comes at no cost to you, which is awesome, too. Thanks, in advance, to anyone who supports my art in this way; I really appreciate it!
Happy new year,
2021 has
already been a lot. Waaaaay more than I thought I could take some days
(and there’s only been 15 of them so far!).
Our constant
chaos drip - the pandemic continuing to rage, daily COVID death counts reaching
all new highs, traitors violently trying to tear apart the United States government by swarming into Capitol Hill,
vaccines trickling down to communities at a snail’s pace, and oh yeah, there
are still folks everywhere aggressively and passive aggressively refusing
to wear masks and social distance…STILL - has made focus, much less
energy and enthusiasm, for anything really challenging.
And, even
though none of this chaos is our fault, many of us are blaming ourselves (I’m including
myself in this “many”) for being so distracted, so spaced out, so
anxious, so unproductive right now. We apologize for our lack of energy,
our shortness of tempers, our inability to focus, our delays in getting things
done. And this is just my opinion, but I think we need to stop doing
that; we need to stop apologizing for having intense and prolonged reactions
to our intense and prolonged stressful circumstances.
Has any of us
EVER lived through an epoch like this before? I know I haven’t, and my life’s
been pretty eventful. Like Brene Brown says, we are living new FFTs - F*cking
First Times - every single day, and it has us all in a tailspin questioning
everyone and everything (for her explanation and ruminations on FFTs, her
podcast, Unlocking Us, is wonderful place
to start, particularly the March 20, 2020 and December 9, 2020 episodes).
But of course,
this is the United States, the land of comparative suffering (example: “My
belly is full, I have a roof over my head, I have clothes on my body, and I
have the ability to pay my bills; others have it much worse than I do
right now, so even though I’ve had this INSERT WRETCHED EXPERIENCE HERE happen
to me, I shouldn’t be feeling this way.”), which means rather than cutting ourselves and
those around us a little slack and taking a deep breath and a realistic look at
everything that’s going on right now, we pile more “shoulds” on our shoulders
than any single person could possibly be expected to burden, and then
subsequently sink into self-destructive guilt spirals.
This cycle
serves no one except the media (trust me, they love it when we feel afraid, guilty,
ashamed, or “less than” – those feelings keep us clicking, scrolling, and
staying tuned in to their apps/channels), so how about we all collectively
agree to grant ourselves a bit of grace when we are a tad (read: totally) discombobulated from
here on out?
It was a nice
idea to hold onto that the closing of 2020 might mean an end to all the new
challenges and uncertainties we’ve been facing, but issues this big – a global
pandemic, a toxic president, a deep need to finally dismantle our systemically
racist and sexist societal infrastructures reaching a breaking point – took much
longer than a single year to build up to where we are now. For problems this
big to get anywhere near resolutions, we are going to have to be a bit more
patient with ourselves and the universe.
But here’s the
rub - patience is hard to come by when your nerves are shot because:
a good
sleep has been hard to come by for the last 10 months
one’s house requires a cost/threat/benefit analysis
daily news mostly holds new horrors
ties and friendships are being tested on the daily as “we have a difference of opinion”
now means that folks who thought they knew and loved each other unconditionally
now effectively disagree about what universe they are living in
plans for the future haven’t been possible to make for 10 months and counting
of toilet paper and disinfectant are still unreliable
these are just some bullet point stressors that affect EVERYONE. I have no
doubt each of us has a list 4 times as long made up of the personal particular stressors we are
trying to live through each day without losing our shit. Which is why when we take a
deep breath and try to dip into our patience well, we end up finding it dry.
At least that’s where I have been finding myself now that we have entered a new year – at the edge of a very dry patience well. And this is an unusual way for me to begin the year. Typically, the new year is when I seek out new goals to reach for, new ideas to explore, and a word of the year to encapsulate all the hopes and dreams I have for the next 365 days (“Grace” was the word I chose last year, and wow, was that choice tested!). But you know what? A single word is just not enough for me this year, so I have selected a full sentence (You hear that, 2021? I’m coming at you with six whole words and a period!), and after all the anxious texts from friends and family I answered today, after all the stressed out emails I’ve read since January started, I feel like I should share my chosen sentence with a wider audience. So here it is y'all, my sentence-of-the-year:
"Compassion is the birthplace of patience."
These aren't my personal words.This powerful phrase was written by Sonya Renee Taylor in her equally powerful book, The Body Is Not An Apology, a book that I devoured during the holiday season and have continued to lean heavily upon as we inch closer and closer to inauguration day.
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I wholeheartedly recommend buying, reading, and re-reading this entire book about discovering radical self love and learning how to use it to heal the wounds we've accumulated living under systems of oppression, the 2nd edition of which is due to come out in early February. But the epic sentence I chose to walk through 2021 with is specifically found on page 89 of the 1st edition, which I own, as well as on the most recent HCWT Free Coloring Page (zoom in to read where I hand wrote it in the bottom left of the inner circle of my illustration). |
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For all the reasons why coloring is therapeutic check out this blog post I wrote a while back, or if doing that is just a bit too much for how you're feeling today, click here to sign up for the HCWT community and just get coloring the above Free Coloring Page. |
If you've not (re)discovered the relaxing joys of coloring - or "colouring in" as they say in the U.K., which I find to be delightful - then I hope you choose this particular drawing of mine to pull out some markers or colored pencils and give it a go. If there has ever been a time to pick up new, inexpensive hobbies it is now, and a hobby that can help one slow down, breathe and remember to offer oneself a bit of compassion when one's extraordinary daily grind makes one a bit rough around the edges gets bonus points in my nerd book!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to color this. Also, I feel I am a compassionate person but have no patience. I will look into this book.
I'm so happy you like this illustration, too:) And, most definitely look into The Body Is Not An Apology - soooo much good stuff in there! Honestly, should be require reading for everyone!